International free calls has been an interesting subject, many blogs and websites have been trying to cover by suggesting stupid softwares, tips and ways. Spend hundreds of hours searching internet and you will find some crappy softwres which will enable you to call free anywhere in the world for few minutes. That's it. End of story. While we have another way of doing it in a proper and authentic way which is always successful. You can literally call anywhere free of charge. Atleast you won't get charged for call. However you need an internet connection at both sides. Let's say at one side there is a PC and at the other side there is mobile and you want to get connected and want to make call. Modern technologies have replaced the word 'call' with the 'voice chat' using 'VOIP'.
Consider you are in United states and your friend is in Canada, United Kingdom or Dubai or vice versa. You both should have mobile phone with internet access or one should have a PC with internet access and the other should have mobile with internet access. Mobile internet connection comes even in $3 per month in some countries. That's what you need.
You can use Skype, gTalk, MSN Messenger, Yahoo, ICQ your PC and your friend who has mobile with internet access can use Digsby, Nimbuzz or Fring and there are other many such free services he can use and get connected with his/her buddies at messengers. Now you can send a voice chat from PC to friend who is using Nimbuzz or Fring and he can get connected with you.
I mean you are calling your friend, but when there is internet between it, its VOIP and its really very very cheap than the standard call. You can even use mobile to mobile chats using these platforms and still you are at internet and using VOIP via these networks but calling your friend.
Use internet which is not costly at mobiles to call (Voice Chat) your friends and family and do not make calls locally and internationally from phones.